Monday 13 December 2010


Hi! It's been such a long time since I wrote in this blog...
Today I've been cheching the blog and I remember the course that we took on july 2010.

Nowadays am still working in Pineda as a kindergarden teacher, but in the concurs of trasllats I put the option to work as english teacher. I would like to work as a primary english teacher, so gave me luck!

By the way, how are you? It would be nice if we can share our staff in this blog. What do you think??

Thursday 16 July 2009

End of course

This is the location for next year's advanced speaking course. Full board and lodging included! But don't tell anybody!
Thanks, Rosa, for your nice appreciative post. I hope you have all enjoyed the course, and all got something useful out of it, as well as spending time with people in the same professional situation, to have a mutual posting of ideas, exchanging experiences both personal and professional,as well as a chance to have a collective groan about the present state of the educational system! Have a good summer, find time to switch off a bit, and recharge your batteries for what lies ahead in the coming academic year.
Last but not least, please fill in the course feedback form. Thanks!
All the best for the future.

STUPID WHITE MEN by Michael Moore

These days I've been reading some chapters of this book by M.Moore, writer and also director of doccumentaries like "Bowling for columbine" or "Fahrenheit 9/11". I've also read this book in Spanish, so it has been easy for me to understand his opinions. As he do in his films and other books, he offers the reader his critical point of view about the American "way-of-life" going through political, economycs, education or health system. His idea of USA it's clear in the chapters' titles as "Idiot nation" or "We're number 1!!!" (ironically, of course).
From the Writer's notes to the last chapter he doesn't leave anything out of focus. He take a realistic "picture" of problems in his society. He also gives possible solutions to other World conflicts (Orient, Ireland...). At the end, he says in the intro that he had thought the book was never been released (the editorial was wery reactive to publish it after 11-S).
The second chapter is one of my favourites. It's a letter to the "commandant in thief" George W. Bush praying him to leave the Presidence because the world is in serious danger with Bush hands near "the red button". He says about him pearls like "analfabethic", "dumb", "crybaby", "alcoholic"... In other chapters he criticize all the members of his department, in the extreme right idealism, very conservative people and most of them frieds of "Daddy Bush" (they are who are the real governators who move W as he was a puppet).
In the other hand, he also critices Democrats fainthearted representats, who couldn't react after the solution of the elections (Moore compare it with a Banana Republic "democracy"). Also tells us the "progressist political" of Bill Clinton who seduces people with the saxophone while he cut Social issues.
In conclusion, very funny book to read and understand the weaknesses of American society. I recommend you.

About this two-weeks course!

Hi everybody!

Time 'flies' and the end of the "Advanced speaking" course is there!

I know we will be asked to fill in a questionaire about the course, Geoff. But ... I wanted to leave my last comment on the blog to tell everybody in the course that I enjoyed it big time (have I used the expression properly?).

It was not that hard (not joking!) to get up early in the morning, to drive 98 Km, queue in B 23 and, finally, find a car parking close enough to EOI successfully -although I felt sleepy, of course!

I took the most and benefited from every day lessons, enjoyed the topics and the discussions we held in the class; however at the beginning I though .... I was going to be snowed under ;-)

Thanks Geoff, it was simply great! It was nice to get to know all of you! Have a wonderful summer time and Good luck!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

A long time ago...

... My boyfriend and I were working in the same company when after two years he asked me to move in together. He caught me on the hop, but I happily accepted. However, before diving into it, we decided that one of us should find another job, mainly because we thought we'd rather not put all our eggs in one basket in case of bad times for the company. And so far it has worked!

Do you know the meaning ...?

I like looking at cartoons about idioms very much!
Do you know the meaning of that one?

Old wive's tales

It doesn't sound very politically correct these days. Probably wives=women in olden times. A lot of tales about heath and pregnancy. How can you tell the sex of an unborn child? Is it unlucky to have a cat onboard ship? There are plenty more to choose from, very few of which have any scientific base.